Opening hours - Turismo San Benedetto Po

Informations | Opening hours - Turismo San Benedetto Po



The opening of the INFO POINT and the monuments will follow the next timetable:

Saturday and Sunday: 9:30am - 12:30pm and 2:30pm - 17:30pm, on weekdays only via group reservations

LAST ENTRY for the full visit at 10:30am and 4.00pm

The bell tower of St. Florian will open on demand every Sunday afternoon.

Paid guided visits (7€ each person, free for kids up to 6 years old) with a  qualified guide in the following days and hours: Sunday at 3:00pm (unavaiable till 16th of February)

For infos and reservations contact n. 0376/623036 or send an e-mail to

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